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Recent submissions

  • Oral graft versus host disease : salivary gland pathology and tissue modelling 

    Arvidsson, Helena (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2024-04-04)
    Chronic Graft versus Host Disease (cGVHD) is a consequence of dysregulated immune reconstitution after allogenic hematopoietic cell transplantation (alloHCT), a treatment for high-risk blood malignancies or immune disorders. ...
  • Laser treatment and disease characteristics of peri-implantitis 

    Malmqvist, Sebastian (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2023-10-26)
    Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory disease which affects the soft and hard tissues surrounding dental implants. Current theory is that peri-implantitis is a counterpart to periodontitis, which is the inflammatory disease ...
  • Causes and consequences of temporomandibular joint diseases 

    Salinas Fredricson, Adrian (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2023-05-22)
    Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJD), a subgroup of Temporomandibular disorders (TMD), has a multifactorial etiology with still largely unknown pathophysiology. Although many risk factors have been proposed, few ...
  • Single implants in the anterior maxilla in young adults 

    Winitsky, Nicole (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2023-05-22)
    Background: Single anterior implants are frequently used in the treatment of patients with single anterior tooth loss. Compared with other types of implant treatments, single implants are commonly performed in younger ...
  • Assessment of masticatory function and nutrition in people with dental implants 

    Homsi, George (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2023-05-22)
    Background: Treatment with bimaxillary implant-supported fixed prostheses is the state-of-the-art treatment of complete edentulism and replacement of natural teeth. However, the extraction of teeth results in the loss of ...
  • Orofacial aspects of juvenile idiopathic arthritis in children 

    Collin, Malin (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2023-04-04)
    Aims: This thesis, which investigates orofacial aspects and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) involvement in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), aims to improve knowledge about the variables to include in a clinical examination, ...
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis in dentistry for the prevention of infective endocarditis 

    Vähäsarja, Niko (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2023-03-30)
    In many parts of the world, it is praxis to administer prophylactic antibiotics prior to invasive dental procedures to reduce the risk of postoperative infective endocarditis (IE) among at-risk individuals. Such endocarditis ...
  • Objective and subjective masticatory function in older individuals 

    Elgestad Stjernfeldt, Per (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2022-12-22)
    Introduction: Oral health in the older population has improved, both in Sweden and in a global perspective. Oral health that has been associated to other, more general health perspectives such as nutrition and cognition, ...
  • Oral chronic Graft-versus-host disease : clinical and pathological staging 

    Tollemar, Victor (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2022-05-19)
    Allogenic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is a curative treatment for many patients with immune- hematopoietic disorders, mainly hematopoietic cancers as leukaemia. Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease (cGVHD) is a ...
  • Periodontal disease and cognitive disorders 

    Holmer, Jacob (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2022-03-16)
    Periodontitis and tooth loss have been suggested to be putative aetiological risk factors for dementia and cognitive dysfunction. The identification of new dementia risk factors could lead to new preventive strategies for ...
  • Potential role of MAIT cells in cancer immunotherapy and viral infection 

    Healy, Katie (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2022-01-04)
    Mucosa-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells are an unconventional T cell subset with specialized antimicrobial functions. In humans, MAIT cells are characterized by their effector memory phenotype, rapid cytolytic capacity, ...
  • Studies on molecular and immune signatures for detection of pancreatic cancer and COVID-19 

    Alkharaan, Hassan (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2021-05-19)
    Background and objectives: Etiological factors and accurate diagnostic biomarkers have remained elusive to pancreatic cancer, a disease with > 90% five-years mortality rate. The recent understanding of microbiome interaction ...
  • Gateway to the gut : alterations in saliva in inflammatory bowel disease 

    Majster, Mirjam (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2021-05-12)
    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which consists of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, is a chronic immune-mediated disease thought to result from genetic and environmental interaction which influence the commensal ...
  • Mastication in jaw muscle pain 

    Al Sayegh, Samaa (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2021-05-12)
    Background: Integrated Pain Adaptation Models suggest a possible pain-motor interaction. Mechanisms affecting the jaw muscle spindles seem to affect the ability to bite and chew, suggesting that jaw muscle pain may be a ...
  • Expression of biomarkers by peripheral nerve fibres in human masseter muscle 

    Alhilou, Abdelrahman (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2021-01-27)
    Background: Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) often manifest as masticatory muscle pain (myalgia). Nerve growth factor (NGF) and glutamate injection into healthy human masseter muscle induced signs and symptoms mimicking ...
  • The orofacial cleft phenome 

    Yow, Mimi (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2020-12-29)
    Introduction: The global average for prevalence in births with orofacial clefts is 9.92 per 10,000. Variability in prevalence could be as much as a seven-fold difference in different ethnicities. Precise phenotyping and ...
  • Biting and chewing behaviours in humans : development and age-related changes 

    Almotairy, Nabeel (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2020-10-09)
    Background: The central nervous system initiates chewing and biting behaviours, while the peripheral sensory receptors embedded in various orofacial structures (e.g. masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joint, and ...
  • Biomarkers and surgical predictors in temporomandibular joint disease 

    Ulmner, Mattias (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2020-09-07)
    Background: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc displacement (DD) is associated with pain and impaired function and has two main sub-diagnoses, DD with or without reduction (DDwR/DDwoR). DD synovial tissue has been sparsely ...
  • Studies on myeloid cell functions in periodontitis 

    Clark, Reuben (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2020-08-05)
    Periodontitis (PD) is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by destruction of the tooth supporting tissues; gingiva, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone. Myeloid cells, including monocytes and macrophages, play ...
  • Extensive tooth wear in adults : classification and prosthetic treatment 

    Hammoudi, Wedad (Inst för odontologi / Dept of Dental Medicine, 2020-05-27)
    Background: Tooth wear (TW) is an insidious and cumulative multifactorial process that may comprise erosion, abrasion or attrition, and combinations thereof. These different processes are of chemical or physical origin and ...

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