Now showing items 21-40 of 268

    • Generation of cell diversity in the developing brainstem and its modeling in vitro 

      Kozhevnikova, Mariya (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2022-09-26)
      The intersection of spatial and temporal patterning programs underlies the formation of neural cell type diversity in the developing central nervous system (CNS). Deciphering the molecular mechanisms regulating positional ...
    • Towards a cohesive understanding of the DNA damage response as a therapeutic target 

      Scherzer, Martin (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2022-06-01)
      At the basis of the complexity that forms a human being is a highly regulated interplay of factors found at a molecular, cellular, and macroscopic level. Ever since we evolved to work this way, even the slightest dysregulation ...
    • A modular mRNA approach to study and treat phospholamban mediated cardiomyopathies 

      Rohner, Eduarde (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2022-05-30)
      In the heart, phospholamban (PLN) is a key regulator of calcium cycling through its inhibitory effect on the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) pump. For more than two decades, modulating calcium channels has ...
    • Ultrasound-guided in utero lentivirus transduction of the murine nervous system to investigate nervous system disorders 

      Mangold, Katrin (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2022-05-18)
      Neurodevelopment is a highly dynamic process involving hundreds of molecular different cell types. Gain and loss of function studies provide valuable insight into the gene regulatory networks that orchestrate this morphological ...
    • Maintenance of neuronal identity and function 

      Toskas, Konstantinos (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2022-03-03)
      Neurons in the CNS acquire specific characteristics throughout development and maintain them for the entire lifespan. Instructive regulation of the transcription machinery ensures the acquisition of identity by spatiotemporal ...
    • On astrocytes and neural stem cells : a study of reactive and canonical neurogenesis 

      Zamboni, Margherita (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2021-12-14)
      The mammalian central nervous system has limited regenerative capacity and the long-lasting functional impairment resulting from trauma and neurodegenerative disease derives from a failure to repopulate neuronal cell ...
    • RNA-binding proteins in transcription and genome integrity 

      Pederiva, Chiara (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2021-11-19)
      For decades, it was believed that RNA was merely an intermediate step between DNA and protein effectors. It is now appreciated that RNA is an extremely versatile molecule that affects almost every aspect inside a cell. ...
    • Tipping the scales in cancer : novel mechanisms of inhibiting protein degradation 

      Giovannucci, Tatiana A (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2021-11-18)
      Protein homeostasis (in short, ‘proteostasis’) requires the timely degradation of proteins to retain control on protein quality, amount and function. Two main proteolytic systems, the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) and ...
    • Scarring and regeneration in the central nervous system 

      Kalkitsas, Jannis (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2021-11-12)
      In response to injury, tissues employ conserved reparative mechanisms to heal the damage and recover their function. The reparative success varies according to the organism, the tissue or organ, and the age of the specimen. ...
    • Understanding the role and regulation of Polη for damage-induced cohesion 

      Wu, Pei-Shang (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2021-10-28)
      In response to DSBs, de novo sister chromatid cohesion can be established after DNA replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The damage-induced cohesion is formed close to the break and genome-wide on undamaged chromosomes. ...
    • A fishing expedition for antidiabetic drugs : identifying new avenues to stimulate beta-cell regeneration 

      Karampelias, Christos (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2021-10-15)
      All types of diabetes are characterized by loss of the insulin-producing β-cells that reside in the pancreas. While current treatments can manage the disease, there is still no cure available. Understanding and promoting ...
    • Single-cell analysis of mammalian cardiogenesis elucidating an essential role of outflow tract progenitors 

      Zhou, Chikai (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2021-09-14)
      The heart is the first organ to form and start to function during mammalian embryogenesis. This complex organ system is constructed by a diverse set of cell types, involving mesodermal precursors and heart progenitors, at ...
    • Cell lineage analysis in humans 

      Hård, Joanna (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2021-07-29)
      Delineating a cell’s history, where it came from and what has happened to it, can provide clues as to how tissues and organs are formed and function in the healthy state and in disease. The gold standard for tracing the ...
    • Regulation of G2 phase and long-term consequences of DNA damage 

      Middleton, Anna Won (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2021-04-08)
      Cell proliferation requires the accurate replication of DNA and equal segregation of replicated genes, important for maintaining the integrity of newly formed cells. At the centre of this process is a series of coordinated ...
    • Developmental dynamics of cardiac progenitors and their role in congenital heart defects 

      Mononen, Mimmi (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2021-03-01)
      Cardiac progenitors are the fundamental building blocks of the heart and play a central role in the pathogenesis of congenital heart defects. Recent single-cell RNA sequencing studies have revealed that the cell populations ...
    • From oncogenic replication stress to drug resistance : F-box proteins as signalling hubs in cancer 

      Brunner, Andrä (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2021-01-28)
      Cancer arises from cells that acquire genetic and epigenetic changes during the course of a, sometimes decades-long, somatic evolutionary process. These changes result in deregulation of a multitude of cellular processes ...
    • Investigating adipose tissue turnover in humans using radiocarbon dating 

      Fu, Keng-Yeh (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2020-12-28)
      Obesity, defined as an excessive accumulation of body fat, is considered one of the major health challenges facing the world today. Adipocyte and lipid turnover determine the number and the size of fat cells, respectively. ...
    • Neural stem cells in the spinal cord : identity, function and potential 

      Stenudd, Moa (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2020-12-23)
      A large body of work has been dedicated to understanding and remedying the pathological processes that take place after spinal cord injury. Despite these efforts, treatment options are limited and patients with spinal cord ...
    • The neurogenic potential of astrocytes : a story of transformation and renewal 

      Santopolo, Giuseppe (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2020-10-15)
      To not simply repair an organ, but to regenerate and fully recover its function, like there was no injury at all, that is the goal of regenerative medicine. Of all the organs in the human body, the most delicate and difficult ...
    • Notch signaling requiem : orchestral role of notch signaling in cancer and developmental disease 

      Tsoi, Yat Long (Inst för cell- och molekylärbiologi / Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2020-08-14)
      Notch signaling is an evolutionary conserved contact-dependent cell-cell communication pathway. This “contact” spans from hydra to fruit flies to human; orchestrating development, homeostasis and cancer, thus the Requiem, ...